Housing Opportunities Portal

This is a preview of the Housing Opportunities Submission Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

1. Introduction

* indicates a required field.

Terms and Conditions

Before lodging your submission with the Housing Opportunities Portal, please read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement.

The Terms and Conditions contain important information about how we will use your submission, including any personal information, intellectual property or confidential information.

Have you read and understood the Terms and Conditions? * Required
Have you read and understood the Privacy Statement contained in the Terms and Conditions? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Have you read and understood the Terms and Conditions?" on page 1
  • "Have you read and understood the Privacy Statement contained in the Terms and Conditions?" on page 1

⚠️ You have answered "No" to one or both of the above questions.

If you have questions regarding the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Statement, please contact the department via email at housingportal@housing.qld.gov.au.

If you answer No to one or both of the above questions, you will be unable to finalise and submit the form.

Housing Opportunities Portal

The Housing Opportunities Portal is not a funding program. This platform is for housing ideas you would like to bring to the attention of the Department of Housing. Please acknowledge you understand. * Required

Instructions for completing this submission form

When completing this submission form, please note:

You can submit multiple ideas to the Housing Opportunities Portal however each submission must only cover one idea. If you would like to propose more than one idea, you will need to submit separate submissions for each one.

You will not be able to lodge your submission form unless you have answered all of the mandatory questions.

Your responses should:

  • be concise
  • avoid repetition
  • be directly relevant to your housing idea and its proposed outcomes.

You must ensure that you are authorised to disclose the information contained in your submission.

Your submission must not include sensitive, confidential or personal information of third parties or information which is subject to the intellectual property rights of a third party.

If you have any questions, please contact the department at housingportal@housing.qld.gov.au

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