Strata Resilience Program Phase 1

This is a preview of the 01. Strata Resilience Program Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Eligibility and privacy

* indicates a required field.

Privacy notice

The Queensland Government (through the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works) is collecting personal information on this form to provide you with financial assistance in connection with the Strata Resilience Program. The Queensland Government may need to disclose your personal information to the contractor you have nominated, or to obtain personal information about you from the contractor, to confirm that work has been carried out, or in the process of making payments directly to the contractor.

Your personal information including name, address and contact details, along with the details of works performed at the address may be disclosed to James Cook University, Queensland Reconstruction Authority and the National Emergency Management Agency. This information will be shared with these entities upon completion of works for the purposes of collaborating with the Queensland Government to determine and report on whether the works performed under the Strata Resilience Program were effective in reducing damage to strata properties following a natural disaster.

In the event of a severe weather event occurring, these entities may contact you via phone or mail for research purposes.  

Limited personal information may be used to evaluate the outcomes of the Strata Resilience Program for example, requesting the completion of feedback surveys and contacting you to discuss any savings on your insurance premiums.  The statistical data derived from this information may be disclosed to other State and Federal Government agencies for program research and outcome comparison purposes.

Unless authorised or required by law, your personal information will not otherwise be passed on to any other third party without your consent.  More information about the Queensland Government's privacy policy is available on the Queensland Government’s website.

Privacy policy

Do you agree with the privacy notice? * Required

Body corporate nominated delegate (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Do you agree with the privacy notice?" on page 1
Q1. Are you the nominated person to act on behalf of the body corporate in applying for this application? * Required
If no, to proceed with this application you will need to gain authorisation to act on behalf of the body corporate.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Q1. Are you the nominated person to act on behalf of the body corporate in applying for this application?" on page 1

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